We are Black Swan Academy
About Us
A successful Black American that is civically engaged, excelling socially, and economically has become the “exception” instead of the “rule”.
Our Work
Black Swan Academy has designed programming to promote Black youth as civic leaders. Learn more about the work that we do and how you can get involved.
Monthly Giving Program
Monthly giving is a convenient, effective way for you to support The Black Swan Academy. We rely on monthly donations to provide our youth with the highest quality of programming throughout the year.
We are committed to dismantling systemic racism and ending the criminalization of Black youth to create a world in which we can be safe, loved and free. Join Us!
The Leaders of Tomorrow….
And Today.
Black Swan Academy is supports young black leaders in the D.C. Learn more about our work in advocacy, organizing and coalition building.

Annual Report
Making the exception the rule.
Our youth have made great strides in achieving their own goals and have grown passionate in advocating for systemic change for themselves, their families and the broader DC community.
Some of our impact:
Supported 80 black youth in middle and high school to gain skills in advocacy, organizing and public policy.
Nearly 900 high school and middle school youth joined our Civic Leadership Summits.
Reached 8,500 community members through community service projects and outreach efforts and;
Supported and led advocacy campaigns that produced more funding for mental health professionals in schools, affordable housing, community violence interrupters and legislation that reduces suspensions, prevents childhood lead exposure and decreases the voting age to 16.